Please read carefully before use and keep this information for future use.
For your eye health, it is important that you follow your Eye Care Practitioner’s directions and all labeling instructions for proper use of your contact lenses and lens care products.
Intended use
Breath-O Correct is indicated for overnight wear for myopia and myopic astigmatism.
It reshapes the cornea, and provides improved vision after removing lens.
Be sure to read this manual
Read these instructions thoroughly prior to the use of contact lenses and lens care products. If there are any unclear explanations or contents, consult your Eye Care Practitioner before use.
Breath-O Correct should be used for overnight wear only.
Unaided vision cannot be corrected as intended if these lenses are used improperly. You should adhere to the prescribed schedule. When lens wear is discontinued, unaided vision will be reduced in a few days.
Eye disorders including corneal endothelial cell loss or giant papillary conjunctivitis may occur even when Breath-O Correct is used properly. You should visit your Eye Care Practitioner for regular examinations irrespective of the cognizance of any symptom.
Lens wear may increase the risks of eye disorders including corneal ulcer, corneal infiltrates, keratitis, corneal edema, corneal neovascularization, corneal erosion, corneal epithelium disorder, conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis, iritis and stye. Therefore whenever you perceive any abnormality, including lacrimation disorder, foreign body sensation, pain, hyperemia, eye discharge, or changes in vision, or find damage to your lenses, immediately discontinue lens wear and promptly consult your Eye Care Practitioner.
Be sure to read this manual
Be sure to read this manual
Improper use of Breath-O Correct or the lens care products may cause serious eye disorders, including corneal ulcer, potentially resulting in sight loss. Cleaning and storage of your lenses should be properly conducted in accordance with the instruction manual.
As for tasks where changes in visual acuity are related to physical and mental risks, such as driving a car or motorcycle, consult your Eye Care Practitioner and follow the instructions.
If you have worn a damaged lens or a lens has been damaged during use, immediately contact your Eye Care Practitioner for an eye examination even if you do not notice any symptoms.
Contradictions (Reason not to use)
Acute or subacute inflammation or infection of the anterior segment of the eye.
Eye infections.
Decreased corneal sensitivity.
Severe insufficiency of lacrimal secretion (dry eyes).
Allergic reactions of ocular surfaces or adnexa that may be induced or exaggerated by wearing contact lenses or use of lens care products.
Signs of keratoconus or other corneal disorders.
Pregnant or breast-feeding women or women planning to conceive.
Immune disorders (e.g., Acquired immune deficiency syndrome and autoimmune disorders) or diabetes mellitus.
Any eye disease, injury, or abnormality that affects the cornea, conjunctiva or eyelids.
Redness of the eyes or irritated.
If you cannot follow the instructions given by your Eye Care Practitioner.
If you cannot undergo regular examinations.
If you always need proper visual acuity at work and you have difficulty in discontinuing your work when changes in vision acuity occur. Be sure to read this manual
If you have unstable corneal refractive power (radius of curvature) measurement or irregular Meyer image (irregular astigmatism).
If you had LASIK or other refractive surgery.
If you cannot administer necessary hygiene management for contact lens wear.
If you are extremely sensitive.
If you live in constantly dry life environments.
Be sure to read this manual
Before inserting your lenses in your eyes, examine your lenses to make sure that they are not damaged, deformed, or scratched, and are free of any foreign substances or dirt. Never use lenses with any such defects.
Follow the instructions of your Eye Care Practitioner in regard to the use of eye-drops.
Do not rub or press your eyes with force while wearing contact lenses.
Use only lenses prescribed for yourself.
Never use well water or tap water to store your lenses. The acanthamoeba in well water or tap water may lead to serious eye disorders. Use the lens care products to store your lenses.
Precautions to protect your lenses from damage, deformation, scratches,foreign bodies, and dirt
Cut your fingernails short with their tips round and smooth.
Wash your hands and fingers with soap and rinse off the soap completely before handling your lenses.
Place a washed towel or handkerchief on a well-lit, clean surface where you are going to handle your lenses.
It is best to insert your lenses before applying makeup.
Do not press, bend, or turn over your lenses with force. Be sure to read this manual
Use the tips of your thumb and index finger to hold your lens gently.
If your lens falls out of your eye, wet the tips of your fingers and pick up your lens.
Do not rub or wipe your lenses with a handkerchief, spectacle wipe, or tissue paper.
Do not get chemicals or oil, such as cosmetics, hair spray, benzine,alcohol, or thinner, on your lenses.
Do not soak your lenses in hot water or leave them where they may be subjected to high temperature.
Do not dehydrate your lenses.
Do not freeze your lenses.
Do not hit your lenses against the edge of the lens case, etc.
Do not use a lens case which can cause deformation of your lenses.
Do not use your lenses to expand the lens holder when storing your lenses in the holder of the lens case. Doing so may cause damage or deformation of your lenses.
Do not open/close the cap of a lens care product or lens case while holding your lens with fingers.
Always keep the lens case clean.
Do not use saliva to wet your lenses.
Before inserting your lenses in your eyes, examine your lenses to make sure that they are not damaged, deformed, or scratched, and are free of any foreign substances or dirt. Never use lenses with any such defects.
Follow the instructions of your Eye Care Practitioner in regard to the use of eye-drops.
Do not rub or press your eyes with force while wearing contact lenses.
Use only lenses prescribed for yourself.
Never use well water or tap water to store your lenses. The acanthamoeba in well water or tap water may lead to serious eye disorders. Use the lens care products to store your lenses.
Other Precautions
If you are hospitalized or recovering from an illness or injury, you may not be able to use lenses. Inform your doctor that you are wearing lenses and follow their instructions.
Never process or alter your lenses.
Always insert the correct lens in each eye.
Pay special attention when applying eye-drops over the lenses. The lenses may fall out easily.
If your eyes feel dry, blink your eyes intentionally.
Avoid operating a motor vehicle or machinery until you get used to wearing your lenses.
Purchase replacement lenses regularly as instructed by your Eye Care Practitioner. (It is said that lenses should be replaced with new ones every two years as standard usage.)
Purchase replacement lens cases regularly.
Keep your lenses out of reach of children. Be sure to read this manual
If an elderly user finds it difficult to insert/remove, or care for lenses, consult an Eye Care Practitioner and follow the instructions.
Physical conditions or status of the eyes due to illnesses, medications, or eye-drops may affect contact lens wear, even if they do not fall under the symptoms listed in [Contraindications (Reasons Not to Use)]. Consult your Eye Care Practitioner before use. Also, the condition of contact lens wear may change after starting to use lenses. Consult your Eye Care Practitioner for details.
Check the eyes for hyperemia or unusual eye discharge by looking into a mirror. Discontinue lens wear when any abnormality is perceived, including foreign body sensation, hyperemia, pain, and consult your Eye Care Practitioner.
How to Use
Before handling lens
Cut your fingernails short and round before handling your lenses.
Always wash your hands and fingers with soap, and rinse off completely.
Do not wet your lens with saliva, bottled water or tap water.
Work over a table with a clean towel. Do not remove your lenses over a sink.
Make sure your nails, fingertips and plunger do not touch your eyes directly. They may make a scratch on your eyes.
Lens Insertion
Note: Follow the instructions of your Eye Care Practitioner on the use of artificial tear eye-drops.
Take out your lens from the lens case, pour lens care products, rub it, and wash out with lens care products. Use the same procedure even if it is unused lenses.
Place your lens on the index finger (see Figure 1 below).
Put a few drops of artificial tear eye-drops or a similar substance on the concave side of your lens. Be careful not to get air bubble at that time (see Figure 1 below).
Put a mirror down and stare into it.
Open the eye wide using the thumb and index finger of the other hand (see Figure 2 below).
Bring your lens close to the eye slowly, and gently place your lens on the iris of the eye (see Figure 2 below).
After placing your lens on the iris, slowly release the fingers that were opening the eye, and blink (see Figure 3 below).

Lens Removal Scooping Method
Apply the artificial tear eye-drops or a similar substance to the eye, and confirm that your lens is on the iris and becomes movable.
Press hairlines of the upper and lower eyelashes with both index fingers (see Figure 1 below).
Lift the finger holding the upper eyelid and hold the top edge of your lens with the upper eyelid (see Figure 2 below).
Gently lift the finger holding the lower eyelid and remove your lens with eyelids in a scooping manner (see Figure 3 below).
Rub your lenses by lens care products, wash out with lens care products, and place to the lens case with full of lens care products.

Lens Removal Plunger Method
Apply the artificial tear eye-drops or a similar substance to the eye, and confirm that your lens is on the iris and becomes movable.
Hold the plunger by thumb and index finger of your dominant hand (see Figure 1 below).
Open both eyes wide while looking in the mirror, and make sure that your lenses are placed on your eyes (see Figure 1 below).
Lightly push the plunger straight in the center of your lens (see Figure 2 below).
Lower the plunger and remove your lens from the eyes, with attention not to close the eyes (see Figure 3 below).
Recentering lens
Note: When wearing or taking out your lenses, your lenses may become dislodged from the cornea and move onto the white part of the eyeball. The back of the eyelid is shaped like a bag, making it impossible for your lenses to become trapped in there. Take the following steps to move your lenses back onto the cornea.
if your lens is decentered to the ear side
Hold a mirror near your nose. Open your eyes wide and look sideways in the mirror while keeping your face facing forward (see Fig. 1 below).
Hold the corner of your eye with the index finger and secure the edge of your lens over the eyelid (see Fig. 2 below).
Without moving your face, slowly move the mirror to the side of your ear while looking at the eye in the mirror.
if your lens is decentered to the nose side
Hold a mirror near your ear. Open your eyes wide and look sideways in the mirror while keeping your face facing forward (see Fig. 3 below).
Hold the inner corner of your eye with the index finger and secure the edge of your lens over the eyelid (see Fig. 4 below ).
Without moving your face, slowly move the mirror to the side of your nose while looking at the eye in the mirror.

if your lens is decentered to upwards
If your lens is decentered upwards 1. Hold a mirror below your face with your non-dominant hand. Open your eyes wide and look downwards in the mirror while keeping your face facing forward (see Fig. 1 below).
Lift the upper eyelid with the index finger of your dominant hand, and secure the edge of your lens over the eyelid (see Fig. 2 below).
Without moving your face, slowly move the mirror upwards while looking at the eye in the mirror.
if your lens is decentered to downwards
If your lens is decentered downwards 1. Hold a mirror above your face with your non-dominant hand. Open your eyes wide and look upwards in the mirror while keeping your face facing forward (see Fig. 3 below).
Lift the lower eyelid with the index finger of your dominant hand, and secure the edge of your lens over the eyelid (see Fig. 4 below).
Without moving your face, slowly move the mirror downwards while looking at the eye in the mirror.

Symptoms and measures to be taken
You may experience any of the following physiological symptoms during the initial stage of contact lens wear. The symptoms may resolve as your eyes become used to your lenses (generally after a few weeks).
Minor foreign body sensation in your eyes
Excessive eye blinking
Ocular itching
Excessive lacrimation
Unusual eye discharge
Sensitivity to light
Unstable vision
Even after getting used to your lenses, the symptoms described below may appear. You should consult the Eye Care Practitioner immediately when these symptoms are not improved by the measures taken or when other symptoms occur.

Lens wear schedule - Wearing Cycle
Wear your lenses longer than 5 hours as standard usage.
The effects of visual acuity correction vary individually. Follow the instructions of your Eye Care Practitioner and be sure to comply with the lens wear schedule properly.

Resuming wearing lens after interruption
Receive eye examination before resuming lens wear in case of discontinuing for a long time. Referring to the cycle above, follow the instructions of your Eye Care Practitioner on the lens wear schedule.
Maintenance - Caring for lens
Lens care
Always wash your hands and fingers with soap, and rinse off completely before lens care.
For lens care, using the compatible lens care products for the orthokeratology contact lens, wash your lenses by gently rubbing them and rinse them. Then, put the lens care products into the lens case and immerse your lenses completely in the solution.
When using the lens care products, read the labels and package inserts of lens care products and follow instructions.
Replace your lenses with new ones every two years as standard usage, but please follow the instructions of your Eye Care Practitioner about frequency.
Managing the lens case
Be sure to use a dedicated lens case for the orthokeratology contact lens.
Replace the lens case with a new one every three months as standard usage.
Dispose the disinfectant solution from the lens case. Wash and air dry the lens case completely.